Transizione [2008]
Text for Biennale di Carrara
The film Transizione was inspired by the natural surroundings of Carrara and the way people have influenced it over the years. The beautiful mountains are one of the main features of the natural landscape in the area. At the same time they are also the main economic and industrial centres for the municipality of Carrara. Since the time of the Romans people have been taking marble from these mountains, slowly transforming their size and their shape. Through the creation of caves the mountains have also -in a way- been ‘gutted’, their precious marble taken from the insides and transported to places beyond their grip. In recent years the marble (and marble powder) industry has grown to such an extent that the speed of excavating has increased rapidly, leaving even more visible traces in the landscape. With this film we try to show the transition that is -and has been- taking place in this area. We filmed and recorded sounds in many places in Carrara, from the harbours to the mountains. And pieced together an audiovisual composition in honour of the Genius Loci. The spirit of the mountains is slowly being transformed. Mankind is leaving its trace.
Transizione (12:26 min), Nicky Assmann, Eric Parren, 2008, Genius Loci, NICI Florence, Biennale di Carrara
Transizione was shown as an ongoing video-installation at The 13th Carrara International Sculpture Biennial 2008.
Excerpt text by Genius Loci at the XIII Biennale di Carrara
by Frans Evers and Michela Pelusio:
…Nicky Assmann and Eric Parren show Transizione, a split-screen video documentary on the interior of the marble caves, and the indust rial activities. The sounds of the video are a composition of sounds in the cave, an overtone singing performance, and a remix of anarchist songs, reminding of the cantilena
which made marble move by the rhythmic use of voices….